Latest update to the eCashbook App.
The App has been updated to include a simple summary page of your business activities.
The Screen now shows a summary of MONEY IN and MONEY OUT for the last 12 months. It's a simple view. If it's GREEN, it's good. If it's RED it's bad.
GREEN occurs when MONEY IN exceeds MONEY OUT in any particular month.
RED occurs when MONEY OUT exceeds MONEY IN in any particular month.
The outcome colours are based on a month by month basis. For instance in the image, the Month of March shows Green as Money in exceeds Money out. So both the numbers for Money In and Money Out will be Green.
The colours are not comparing month to month expenses against each other nor month to month Income against each other. It is comparing each months Money In with the respective Money out.
In the Header You can also change the year for comparison and the type of activity, being either Cash Basis or Profit Basis (if correctly set up within the desktop).
You will now access your Income and Expenses screens from the EXPENSES button at the bottom. The same also for maintaining a vehicle log.