Some Improvements to your eCashbooks Software
Two new icons have been added to the top header Bar.
They are:
- Ask a Question, not sure about something, then ask us. Simply CLICK on the Icon and provide the details of you question. All responses will also appear here. You can attach files (i.e. Screenshots) if you need to.
- Calendar, yes another calendar, this one is simple. It opens in another TAB to allow you to write notes or action plans at some point in the future. Just click on the relevant day to add a Note and "Right" Click when you have completed the task. An update will be sent to you weekly of any pending notes.
Your MY ACCOUNT has been updated to provide more useful information about your Subscription and Profile. This is locate TOP RIGHT in the LOGOUT menu area.
Reports have been slightly updated.
Weekly Email alert is now in effect. Each week you will be updated as to what's occuring in your Cashbook.
Logo, you can now upload your logo in the centralised business information area. This will impact Invoices and quotes.
MONEY IN: additional columns can now be added. This is useful if you wish to separate your classes of Income and also if you are receiving non income, such as loans.